Film Photographer Ishbel Alderman

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Where are you based?

I am based in Sri Lanka for 6 months of the year and currently traveling for the rest.

What was a pivotal moment for you in shooting film that changed your perception?

Ive been shooting film since I was about 15—it’s how I learned photography! I studied it at school and we had a black and white dark room, so I shot everything on black and white film and literally spent hours in there printing and experimenting with my photos. I love shooting film as it really slows down the process.

I definitely have a love-hate relationship with shooting digitally. I find myself constantly looking at the back of the screen and trying to replicate the image I just took. But, when shooting with film, everything flows better and it’s a lot more in the moment, more present. There’s also the pleasant surprise of getting film back days or months later and seeing images you forgot you took.

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Why are you drawn to shooting surfing on film?

All my recent surf shots have actually been on digital haha. It’s just impractical on film in the water when I am shooting for work as you end up with so many shots that aren’t usable and go through so many rolls of film. Contradicting what I just said about shooting digital ahah, but I think the process is a bit different in the water, I don’t look at the screen so much because I don’t have the time! But I did start surf photography by shooting on the nikonos, and definitely want to get back out and use mine again soon! I love the timelessness that you get when shooting film in the water, it creates such a soft aesthetic.

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What was one of the most difficult moments for you to shoot in the water?

I think with surf photography the difficult moments are constant. There are so many variables to be aware of in the water. It’s difficult to get the shot when you’re swimming against a rip and you’ve got a close out set about to slam on you... But that’s why I love it! That feeling of diving under the wave and hearing it flow over your head is so beautiful, I find it quite meditative... And then you’ve got surfboards to look out for too.... I got a surfboard to the head before Christmas when I was out shooting. My boss was taking a wave and I managed to duck under and get out the way, but his surfboard got flung back and as I came up, it collided with my head. I ended up with 7 stitches in the middle of my forehead

Who inspires you in surfing? Who do you dream of shooting and why?

I love Steph Gilmore’s style, and for lon boarding, I have always been a fan of Alex Knost, ultimate style king. Kelia Moniz is up there on the list too.

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