
About “Paying it Forward: The Parking Ticket Project”

Parking lots are special spaces of surf culture and community. Parking lots are where we check the surf, “talk story” with friends, and make memories.

How can we engage with surfers who might not normally engage with women’s surf history or have access to it at all?

The answer: the parking ticket! Each parking ticket includes facts about women’s surf history that were submitted by a team of “Curators of Women’s Surf History”, along with a link for readers to “win their prize” by accessing the Women’s Surf History Resource Page, where we collect women’s surf history resources.

You can Participate: Give surfers their tickets to history!

We invite you to provide an easy way for people to engage with women’s surf history!

You can download the parking tickets HERE, print out your tickets of choice and display the tickets on parked cars at your local surf spot.


    • Click here. Print out tickets of your choice, and cut the page in half.

    • Display on parked cars at your local surf spot.

    • Optional: fill in the blank for state and country on the parking ticket, take a photo on your Instagram story and tag us on @sea.together.mag so we can see where you’re leaving parking tickets, and get $5 off code for buying a copy of Sea Together (offer ends May 1).

    • Environmental Notice: We recommend using recycled paper to save our trees. Display parking tickets in a secure fashion. Please consider not leaving parking tickets on really windy days, or rainy days, to ensure that the tickets do not contribute to pollution of our beloved earth. Thank you :)


Project Credit…

This art project is by Contemporary Artist, Brianna Ortega. The “Curators of Women’s Surf History” for the project who wrote the incredible historical facts on the parking tickets were Dr. Cassie Comley, Tara Ruttenberg, Rhonda Harper, McCall Lanman. Maria Pires, Anna Dimond, Celina Stilphen, Amy Rose Hewton, and Alberta Hall.

Parking Ticket Designer: Maria Pires

Promo launch drawings/photos/additional online research by: Alberta Hall and Lingo Inspiration: Anna Dimond

Thanks to everyone for being apart of this project, for making it happen with your participation to share women’s surf history around the globe. The project was inspired by the contemporary artists, Guerrilla Girls and Adrian Piper.

Apply to be a curator of women’s surf history: Send an email to to contribute facts to the parking tickets.